Month: March 2022

Interview with the Streamer

Sean and Nyko talking about stuff and things

I was joined by my good friend and fellow streamer, Nyko, for a brief chat about the following questions:

What was your first experience on Twitch? What did you watch?

Do you prefer to watch Twitch or YouTube? Live or recorded content?

Have you made any connections, friendships, or opportunities through streaming?

Joanna Lake on Fostering Connectedness and Digital Assessment

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

I Zoomed into Joanna’s talk feeling like a 2 on the guinea pig scale, as I was at home sick, but left feeling like a hard 6! I absolutely loved her energy and enthusiasm, which radiated through my computer screen. I am someone who really values connections and this presentation was exactly what I was looking for to take my thoughts and ideas to the next level.

I thought that using jokes of the day or posting a funny video or meme each morning was a wonderful idea that I could easily see myself doing in my own classroom. Checking in with students is extremely important and also checking in with yourself as an educator on occasion is healthy and encouraged.

Morning schedules are useful for students of all ages! A set or reoccurring schedule lets students know what to expect and allows them to plan ahead. Morning reminders and announcements were also encouraged as a great way to start the day off on the right foot.

Joanna went over three types of assessment: assessment for learning, assessment as learning, and assessment of learning. Assessment for learning allows teachers to check in with students to see what they know and provide feedback to how education is being progressed. Assessment as learning allows students to practice their skills and reflect upon their performance. Assessment of learning allows students to provide evidence of learning to grade their achievements.

The transition from grades to a proficiency scale is a new one for me, but I like it overall. I find that the proficiency scale leads to less stress and more feedback opportunities for students. I really appreciate that Joanna includes her class in co-creating rubrics and discussing how and what good examples of proof of proficiency look like for each section of the scale.

I connected with Joanna’s entire presentation and did not want it to end! She will be a valuable resource moving forward in my teaching career as I plan to incorporate many of her fabulous ideas into my own teaching practices.

Yo Yo, YouTube!

Behold my very first YouTube content! I uploaded the video from a recent stream and edited out the down time between matches. It was definitely a different experience and I would like to point out the pros and cons of creating YouTube content rather than streaming on Twitch.

Pros: Ability for viewers to watch whenever, YouTube is more popular than Twitch, can create specific content

Cons: Lack of interaction with viewers via chat, more time spent editing, unable to monetize at the moment.

Creating both forms of content has their own unique ups and downs, but I am glad I created this video to see how my followers enjoy it!

Distributed Learning

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Online learning, both synchronous and asynchronous, has its own merits and difficulties. Today, I want to highlight the discussion around online learning that took place during class.

The worst part about online learning is not feeling connected to the teacher, your classmates, and to the material. Often when learning online, I can notice a disconnect which I would not normally feel during face to face learning. I personally find it difficult to focus for long periods of time online and can get easily distracted.

The best part about online learning is the logistics of it to be honest. Not having to commute to UVic is a major time saver and allows for more freedom during the day. I appreciate being able to hop online to learn or complete assignments without making an entire day of it.

The pandemic has shown us that online learning can be integrated into traditional learning. I believe that online learning serves a significant purpose and should be included when necessary or at least offered as an option. I understand that not every class can be offered online, but some are absolutely able to be and the learning experience would not suffer as a result.

Synchronous online learning – I enjoy learning online synchronously when discussions and collaborations are important. In previous and current classes, I find it refreshing and simple to be placed into breakout groups on Zoom to discuss or work together on assignments. It can be hard to move away from your usual groups in person, so the option to be placed into groups randomly helps me branch out and work with everyone in my class. Interactive lectures are also another reason to offer synchronous learning opportunities.

Asynchronous online learning – I had a wonderful experience learning asynchronously at the beginning of last year when completing some first year courses so I could apply for this current program! I took first year math, political science, and Canadian studies. Each of those courses had readings to be completed and homework that needed to be handed in weekly. The schedule was clearly outlined and I knew exactly when everything was due. I planned out my entire semester and made sure to keep myself on track to not fall behind. I can imagine some students struggling with this style of learning, but it really worked for me based on the course content.

I can envision online learning environments where synchronous learning is appropriate, where asynchronous learning is appropriate, and where incorporating both is appropriate. I think that the pandemic has shown educators that online learning can be made into an essential part of the curriculum and the delivery of that online learning can take many different shapes based on the needs of students. As educators grow more and more confident and comfortable using technology to offer online learning, students will benefit in receiving superior education.

The Magic of Learning

Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash

Today I want to highlight some resources that will help get you into playing Magic: The Gathering as well as the resources that I personally use when preparing for a tournament or for my next stream!

What is MTG | Magic: The Gathering (

How to Play | Magic: The Gathering (

Visiting the official Wizards of the Coast webpage is a great start! Here they highlight what Magic is and how to get started. Some people may find it more enjoyable to play online via Magic Arena or MTGO (Magic The Gathering Online) while others enjoy playing with physical cards. I personally prefer to play in paper, but find that playing online is much easier and more convenient. The second link goes over how to actually play Magic, but is fairly wordy and long, which brings me to my next resource.

Tolarian Community College is a fantastic resource for both newer and more enfranchised players! “The Professor” goes over how to play Magic in this video and offers a more interactive and visual explanation.

Star City Games | Magic the Gathering | MTG Card Search | MTG Singles | Decks

Magic: The Gathering – ChannelFireball

Magic: The Gathering | TCGplayer Infinite

【晴れる屋】記事 | MTGに関する読み物を毎日更新 (

Magic: The Gathering (

I visit these five websites almost daily for Magic content. I read strategy pieces, deck guides, and tournament reports written by competitive players whose opinions I trust. Each of the above websites have free content available to anyone except for ChannelFireball, where I pay for premium content from their professional players.

Arena Decklists Podcast | Free Listening on Podbean App

Constructed Resources Podcast | Free Listening on Podbean App

MTG Grindcast Podcast | Free Listening on Podbean App

I regularly listen to these three podcasts about Magic and I was even a guest on the MTGGrindcast last Summer! All three of these podcasts focus on competitive play.

Modern Solutions – SodekMTG and TSPJendrek are creating Magic: the Gathering (MTG) Modern content: decks and side guides | Patreon

Team TaC MtG is creating Magic: The Gathering content | Patreon

Do0mswitch is creating Premium Magic, the gathering Content | Patreon

PVDDR is creating Magic: the Gathering Articles to help you improve | Patreon

I also subscribe to these four patreon accounts of competitive players and teams where I am able to get access to decklists and articles.

As you can see, I am fairly involved in the competitive Magic scene and devote a lot of my time ensuring that I am aware of recent trends and know what deck I should be playing in my next event or during my next stream. I do not get frustrated as often as I used to when I lose, but I strongly dislike being uninformed or making mistakes during deckbuilding or deck registration. The resources I have highlighted today allow me to approach playing Magic with the confidence and preparation that I need to be successful.

Learning Design Models

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Structuring learning can come in a variety of differently designed models. Today I am going to review and discuss each of the learning design models (LDMs) that were introduced in class.

SAMR Model – Technology usage can progress using this model from: no tech, substitution, augmentation, modification, and finally to redefinition. No tech is fairly self-explanatory as it completely avoids the use of technology in the classroom. I believe that most classes can incorporate technology in some capacity and should not follow this beginning point of the model. Substitution involves using technology as a direct substitute without changing the function at all. I believe this portion of the model is commonly used when teachers want to use technology in the classroom, but are not comfortable doing so. Augmentation also allows for technology to be used as a substitute, but functionally improves the experience. I believe that this portion of the model is ideal for taking ordinary classroom tasks and improving them using technology. Modification involves using technology to redesign tasks. I believe that many common learning tasks can be positively altered using technology for the benefit of the students. Redefinition allows for the creation of brand new tasks that may have been previously thought to be impossible. I believe that teachers can use technology to create new and exciting learning opportunities that challenge students to approach tasks in unique ways that they have never experienced before.

TRACK Framework – The TRACK framework involves adding three types of knowledge together to facilitate learning: content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and technological knowledge. Content knowledge is the “what” of teaching and involves the knowledge of subjects and topics that are taught. Pedagogical knowledge is the “how” of teaching and involves the knowledge of how an why you are teaching and facilitating learning. Technological knowledge involves the use and comfort level of incorporating technology into teaching and learning. Integrating all three types of knowledge is the desired outcome of the TRACK framework as teachers should be able to understand what they teach, how they are teaching it, and include technology to assist with learning.

Constructive Alignment – Constructive alignment seeks to align the learning outcomes/intentions/big ideas with assessment and evaluation as well as with teaching and learning strategies. The learning goals should guide how you teach and how you measure learning. Opportunities for integrating technology into teaching exist between assessment and teaching and how you prepare students for success.

Each of these LDMs has it’s own unique purpose, but I would like to incorporate the SAMR model into my own teaching. I can envision myself progressing from each stage as I become more comfortable with teaching and with technology itself.

Twitch Channel Analysis – February

Today I will be reflecting on my streaming performance for February!

Wednesday, February 2nd – Had a rough start to the stream with a couple of losses and felt a little lost about what deck to play with for the remainder of the day. Gave a different deck a try and won a lot, which felt fantastic! A new subscriber as well!

Wednesday, February 9th – My first Twitter poll on what format and deck I should play! Had a good amount of engagement and played a format that I usually do not touch, but it was nice to branch out and try new things.

Wednesday, February 16th – Fairly short stream as I was pretty tired that evening. Cube drafting is always a good time though! One more subscriber!

Wednesday, February 23rd – Successful stream to end the month! Felt like played really well during the event and finished off with some more cube drafts.

Tracy Humphries on Technology and Inclusion

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Tracy gave an amazing talk on the importance of using technology to ensure that all students are able to participate in learning. I believe that every student should have access to adequate technology for whatever their learning needs may be. Just because a student requires the use of technology or other support systems does not mean that inclusivity should be negatively affected. In fact, technology can allow those students to be included more easily!

Students can be supported in the classroom using technology in a number of ways. First, allowing students to participate in classes from home if that is required. Second, allowing students to record or translate their thoughts rather than speaking or writing. Finally, students can create their own unique ways of providing evidence of learning and for submitting assignments.

I plan to include technology in my future classrooms and I want to ensure that students are being properly supported. I can do this by reading an IEP (if available), asking the family, asking the student, or by asking other students. It is important to know what resources I will have available to me and my students and I need to be aware of how my methods of assessment will impact those with disabilities.